Stamp Duty on Power Purchase Agreement in Maharashtra

Stamp Duty on Power Purchase Agreement in Maharashtra: What You Need to Know

The state of Maharashtra has levied stamp duty on Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) since 2016. PPAs are agreements between electricity generators and buyers, detailing the terms of the sale and purchase of electricity. The stamp duty is a tax charged on the legal document that formalizes the agreement.

If you are a consumer of electricity in Maharashtra, it is essential to understand how the stamp duty on PPAs will affect you. In this article, we will explore the details of the stamp duty, how it is calculated, and who is liable to pay it.

What is Stamp Duty?

Stamp duty is a tax that is levied on legal documents to make them legally valid. It is a state subject, meaning each state has its own rate of stamp duty and the documents on which stamp duty is paid. In Maharashtra, stamp duty is regulated by the Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958.

The stamp duty on a PPA is paid when the agreement is entered into or executed. It is essential to note that if a PPA is executed outside Maharashtra for a power plant in Maharashtra, it will still attract stamp duty in Maharashtra.

Who is Liable to Pay Stamp Duty on a PPA?

In a PPA, both parties (the generator and the buyer) are jointly and severally liable to pay the stamp duty. However, in practice, the buyer usually bears the burden of stamp duty payment. This is because the buyer is the party who gains the most from the agreement.

How is Stamp Duty on a PPA Calculated?

The stamp duty on a PPA is calculated based on the electricity generation capacity specified in the agreement. The stamp duty rate is determined by the Maharashtra Stamp Act, 1958, and is currently 0.25% of the total consideration payable over the term of the PPA. The total consideration refers to the total amount of money to be paid to the generator over the term of the PPA.

For example, if the total consideration payable under a PPA over the term of the agreement is INR 100 crore, the stamp duty payable would be INR 25 lakh (0.25% of INR 100 crore).


In conclusion, if you are a consumer of electricity in Maharashtra, it is vital to understand the stamp duty implications on PPAs. As we have seen, both parties (the generator and the buyer) are liable to pay stamp duty, but in practice, the buyer usually bears the burden. The stamp duty is calculated based on the electricity generation capacity specified in the agreement and is currently 0.25% of the total consideration payable over the term of the PPA. By being aware of these details, you can better plan and budget for your electricity costs.

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